
The best treadmill

Choosing a treadmill that suits your needs and demands can sometimes be a complex task. Knowing if the treadmill that we are going to buy will provide you with the answer that you are looking for during indoor training will be essential to select one model or another.

How to choose the most appropriate treadmill?


Knowing the power of the motor, the incline, the damping, the running surface, or the dimensions of the treadmill will allow us to make a choice according to your needs.

Choosing a treadmill whose motor power can support your weight and reaching a maximum speed that suits your goals is essential. In addition, the incline of the treadmill will directly influence the operation of the motor. The higher the incline, the less power you will need. Therefore, if you weigh more than 80 kg, it is recommended to buy a treadmill with a minimum of 1.5 HP, but the optimal standard power is 2 HP, especially if you run at a speed of 16 km/h or higher.

It is important to respect and comply with the technical specifications of each model to ensure proper operation and quality training. In short, following these guidelines when purchasing your next treadmill will be vital for a correct choice.

The wide offer of this indoor machinery means that, at times, choosing between one model or another will be a difficult task. The user profile is the most important to consider when purchasing the right model for you.

Check out our best-used treadmills in stock, you can find a good treadmill for as low as $1500. Give us a call today at (818)362-7702, an agent from Aimcardio will be ready to select the best treadmill for you.